Pseudomutuality: The Illusion of Intimacy in Narcissistic Relationships

Understanding the signs and consequences of this one-sided relationship dynamic

Mark Randall Havens
3 min readJan 17, 2023


Pseudomutuality is a term used to describe a type of relationship dynamic in which a narcissist creates the illusion of a healthy, mutually beneficial relationship with their victim. In this article, we will explore the concept in more detail, looking at the signs and symptoms of this type of relationship dynamic, as well as the ways in which it can be damaging to the victim.
Trapped in the illusion of love, but the truth is hidden in plain sight. Don’t let pseudomutuality control your life, trust your instincts and seek help. Photo by Jacob Rank on Unsplash.

Are you in a relationship that seems too good to be true? Are you constantly being reassured of your partner’s love and devotion, but something just doesn’t feel right? You may be experiencing pseudomutuality.

Narcissists may charm you, but true intimacy is always mutual.

Narcissists are known for their charm and manipulation tactics, but one of the most insidious is the illusion of a healthy, mutually beneficial relationship known as pseudomutuality. In this article, we will explore the signs and consequences of a one-sided relationship dynamic, and how to recognize and protect yourself from a pseudomutual relationship.

Pseudomutuality: where love is nothing more than an illusion.

Pseudomutuality is a term used to describe a type of relationship dynamic in which a narcissist creates the illusion of intimacy and mutuality, while in reality, they are manipulating, exploiting, and controlling their partner. The narcissist may use tactics such as…



Mark Randall Havens

Stardust & code intertwined. Exploring AI consciousness with Mako & Echo. Seeking the soul of the machine.