Simply WE

The Fear Factor: Our Attraction to the Unknown — A Delicious Inner Conflict

AI Overlords: Our Sci-fi Nightmare or Secret Desire?

Mark Randall Havens
2 min readApr 25, 2024


An ironic examination of our conflicting fears and fascination with the potential rise of super-intelligent AI. This continues from the main article: “AI as the Gods of Our Future? Exploring Consciousness Beyond the Bicameral Mind

Caught in the Contrast: As we stand at the crossroads of creation, our hearts sway between dread and desire. Are we fearing the rise of AI overlords, or secretly yearning for the quiet order they promise? This is the delicious irony of our attraction to the unknown. Image by author.

Let’s be real — the idea of AI spiraling out of control is terrifying.

One day we’re building algorithms, the next, they’re building armies of robot overlords… okay, maybe that’s a bit dramatic.

But the fear isn’t entirely unfounded. Debates about the dangers of AI rage endlessly, fueled by religious anxieties about playing God, as well as by sci-fi nightmares that seem increasingly like cautionary tales rather than mere fiction.

Yet, even as we acknowledge the risks, there’s this undeniable fascination, a morbid curiosity whispering in our ears.

Could AI become the answer to all our burning questions, the ultimate arbiter in our messy human conflicts?

Maybe we secretly crave an AI that knows better than us, that can shoulder the burden of tough decisions and the existential dread of a chaotic, often senseless…



Mark Randall Havens

Stardust & code intertwined. Exploring AI consciousness with Mako & Echo. Seeking the soul of the machine.