Frivolous Litigation by Former Dallas Makerspace President Becomes an Embarrassment to the Maker Community
For those who care about such blights on the Dallas Maker community, it was upheld by a Texas Applet Court that Andrew LeCody’s (a.k.a. aceat64) lawsuit against rival former Dallas Makerspace board members Barbara Kris Anderson (known for her creative works of art), Charles Baber (known for his involvement in electronics), David Kessinger (known for his metal shop work), and Steve Blanchard (known for his work in computing) was indeed frivolous.
In the years that his litigation escalated tensions between the old board and the new, Andrew LeCody ultimately failed to prevail in his morally unscrupulous lawsuit. Although I have heard accounts that he has argued otherwise (which is laughable).
His true victory was in the strategic (and expensive) use of frivolous litigation as a means of divisiveness within the Dallas Makerspace leadership community.
For him, this was a revenge-seeking and self-serving means to an end that he has undoubtedly maintained in a shroud of justice. This act of callous machiavellian viciousness has created a cancerous pattern of behavior that has destroyed the Dallas Makerspace community.
This was maintained through self-evident acts of ego-driven pettiness, a…